We’re taking a leadership role in the telecommunications sector by adopting a responsible and efficient approach in three key areas: customer experience, smarter networks, and internal operational efficiency. This approach aims to increase value across all our lines of business and support app development, while ensuring that AI is accessible and beneficial to all.
Artificial intelligence is part and parcel of daily life. The tech is invisible but it’s consequences are very real for everyone.
This magazine helps you to better understand and explore all the issues it raises through a series of interviews with contributors who offer complementary backgrounds, experiences and reflections.
These key figures, which illustrate Orange's activity worldwide, are dated at December 2023
Discover the portrait of Jeanne, Substainabilty Manager for the Middle East and Africa area.
Jeanne talks to us about her missions within the Africa and Middle East zone on subjects that are close to her heart: the environment, recycling and reconditioning.